Our Mission

Beyond Lipedema is a charitable organization seeking to bring awareness of the progressive, genetic disease known as lipedema. Our mission is to provide support to young women ages 10-40 who are experiencing the chronic symptoms of lipedema and help them obtain the resources needed to confirm a diagnosis and manage the disease. 

While lipedema has been diagnosed in 11% of women in the US, it is suspected that that number is far greater due to misdiagnosis and lack of understanding around the disease. It is our hope that with early education in middle schools and high schools and through pediatricians and gynecologists, lipedema can become part of the conversation and alleviate the mental and physical impact of this disease at an early age. 

Lipedema is linked to a number of mental health and eating disorders including but not limited to anorexia, body dysmorphia, anxiety and depression. In the pivotal years around puberty, when lipedema is likely to present itself, it is crucial that prepubescent girls and young women are provided with resources that could save them from these traumatic disorders. 



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